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  • 中國自動化學會專家咨詢工作委員會指定宣傳媒體

    集成微軟Azure OpenAI,施耐德電氣推動生成式人工智能生產力和可持續發展解決方案

    http://www.consult-gem.com 2023-11-17 14:48 《中華工控網》翻譯

    Schneider Electric drives Generative AI productivity and sustainability solutions by integrating Microsoft Azure OpenAI
    集成微軟Azure OpenAI,施耐德電氣推動生成式人工智能生產力和可持續發展解決方案
    - Schneider Electric customers and employees use GenAI (Generative AI) capabilities which deliver productivity gains and new ways of working
    - Collaboration with Microsoft in artificial intelligence is focused on creating innovative solutions for sustainability


    Nov.13,2023 -- Schneider Electric, the leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, is harnessing the capabilities of Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) to empower customers and transform its internal operations.

    2023年11月13日消息-- 作為能源管理和自動化數字化轉型的領軍企業,施耐德電氣正在利用生成式人工智能能力為客戶賦能,并實現其內部業務轉型。

    Building on the foundations of a long-standing collaboration with Microsoft, Schneider Electric is integrating Microsoft Azure OpenAI to develop solutions that leverage algorithms to generate text, code, and other types of content. This has empowered Schneider Electric to reimagine its approach to various operational processes, streamlining time-consuming tasks, optimizing resource allocation, and gaining speed and efficiency. At the same time the Group continues to apply GenAI to advance innovation in its offer portfolio.

    基于和微軟長久以來的合作,施耐德電氣集成了微軟Azure OpenAI, 以便研發能夠運用算法生成文本、代碼以及其他多種內容的解決方案。這賦予了施耐德電氣重組各種運營流程方式的能力,簡化了耗時任務、優化了資源配置并提高了速度和效率。同時,集團繼續采用生成式人工智能以推動產品組合的創新。

    The key highlights of Schneider Electric's use of GenAI include:


    Resource Advisor Copilot – using Large Language Model technology through Microsoft Azure OpenAI, Schneider Electric has securely built Copilot as a convenient digital companion embedded inside Resource Advisor. Copilot equips customers with enhanced data analysis, visualization, decision support, and performance optimization, and the ability to seamlessly process intricate industry knowledge and Resource Advisor system information.
    Jo-Chat GPT – internal conversational assistant based on Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service allowing employees to profit from Generative AI capabilities in a secure way.
    Finance Advisor – this conversational assistant provides an easy and effective way to find precise information for financial analysts in accounting and other functions within global finance. It helps to achieve consistent, compliant, and timely decision-making.
    Knowledge Bot – conversational assistant helping customer care representatives find precise information to customer queries and proposing appropriate answer based on large internal documentation.
    Conversational search – helping our customers search for the products they need in a natural conversation style using semantic search capability.

    Resource Advisor Copilot——施耐德電氣借助微軟Azure OpenAI,引入了大型語言模型技術,成功打造了Copilot。這一安全解決方案能夠輕松整合Resource Advisor,使其成為得力的數字助手。Copilot為客戶提供了增強的數據分析、可視化、決策支持和性能優化功能,同時能夠流暢處理復雜的行業知識和Resource Advisor系統信息。
    Jo-Chat GPT——基于微軟Azure OpenAI的內部對話助手能夠幫助員工以安全的方式發揮出生成式人工智能的能力。
    Finance Advisor——該對話助手向全球金融領域的會計和其他職能部門的財務分析師提供了一種簡便而有效的查找精確信息的方式。它能夠協助人們做出一致、合規且及時的決策。
    Knowledge Bot——對話助手能夠幫助客戶關懷代表找出客戶查詢的準確信息,并根據大量內部文件給出穩妥的解答。

    Schneider Electric is also looking to integrate Github Copilot to further enhance its offer creation processes and operations as well as Sales Copilot to further empower frontline employees.

    施耐德電氣還正探索整合Github Copilot,用于進一步增強其產品創造流程和運營,并計劃整合Sales Copilot,從而進一步為一線員工賦能。

    Commenting on these technological and business advancements, Philippe Rambach, Chief AI Officer at Schneider Electric, stated, "Generative AI is a game-changer and we are investing in this technology. It has already allowed us to enhance internal productivity, and it aligns perfectly with our commitment to continuous improvement and impactful innovation focused on sustainability."

    施耐德電氣首席人工智能官Philippe Rambach在評論這些技術和商業進步時表示:“生成式人工智能的興起改變了行業格局,我們正在加大對這項技術的投資力度。它已經能夠幫助我們提高內部生產力,這與我們在可持續發展方面不斷改進并勇于創新的承諾步調一致。”

    The AI hub organization at Schneider Electric was launched in 2021, before the GenAI technology became prevalent. With the emergence of these new tools, the company created a dedicated GenAI core team to work closely with internal and external stakeholders to detect early application opportunities.


    Schneider Electric's adoption of Generative AI and integration with Microsoft Azure OpenAI underscores their commitment to staying at the forefront of technological innovation in energy management and industrial automation. The companies are focused on leveraging advanced technologies to drive efficiency gains, foster innovation, and achieve sustainable growth.

    通過引入生成式人工智能并與微軟Azure OpenAI 集成,施耐德電氣清晰表達了在能源管理和工業自動化領域引領潮流的決心。公司一直重視通過利用高級技術,推動效率提升,培養創新并實現可持續發展。

    "Microsoft Azure OpenAI allows Schneider to develop agile, scalable, cost-effective and AI-powered solutions which are in line with our shared ambitions for a sustainable and digitalized future," said Dominik Wee, Corporate Vice President, Manufacturing and Mobility at Microsoft.

    “微軟Azure OpenAI能夠幫助施耐德電氣開發靈活、可擴展,經濟高效且由人工智能賦能的解決方案,這符合我們對可持續和數字化未來的共同期望,”微軟制造和移動部門總部副總裁Dominik Wee表示。

    Schneider Electric portfolio of solutions built on Microsoft Azure offers its customers next-generation cloud-based, IoT (Internet of Things) solutions as well as advanced data and AI capabilities.


    Together, the two companies help customers bridge the gap between setting ambitious sustainability goals and achieving them.


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